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Hire Me 💼

I'm always open for opportunities interesting enough, this goes for both employments as single projects. Present your case, your salary / contract value, and I'll come back to you with my consideration.

I'm particularly interested in opportunities outside the EU, especially in:

  • the United States of America
  • Switzerland
  • Japan


My primary interest concern technical problem-solving, and dealing with interesting people. I'm well traversed within programming, cross multiple languages and mathematics. If you find something interesting on my blog, it's something I've studied up on and likely have adjacent knowledge around. You can judge your self if I'm a good match for your kind of project, upon contact I will fill you in on my assesment.

I'm flexible across tech stacks and languages, but these are my favorites:

My Skills


For coding I got my github page, but it's not structured as a portfolio at the moment. When I got a structured portfolio in order I'll let you know, by linking it here.

This site is btw. a mkdocs site, that I have adapted into being a place for my personal Tech Journal.

Language skills

  • Swedish, native level
  • English, fluent (C2) Proficient User
  • German, (B1) independent user
  • Japanese, (A1) beginner


To keep things things simple, as I like. You can publicly @ me at X for free or privately pay the spam filtering over at my Vida Page and I'll get back to you.