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Blog Feed

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For extensive list visit the Taxonomy page.

How to subscribe to the feed

I'll aim to reposting some stuff to Medium and nostr. Letting them deal with email lists, comment fields etc. is easier for me. This site is however the ground truth and the place I'll update first. If any of the following platforms please you, check them out.


I'm considering this feature to be implemented, but it's not a priority. Maybe, in the future :)


Also looking into forwarding posts to at the nostr network.


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Blog feed below: 👇

Adding custom libraries to the flutter apk build

If you are developing an android app in flutter and your apk compilation step works, but then runtime halts on the following error: "ArgumentError (Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library '': dlopen failed: library "" not found"

Hello World: Browser plugin

I just tested building a browser plugin, it was easier than I thought. Here I'll walk you through the steps of creating a minimal working example of a browser plugin, a.k.a. the "Hello World" of browser plugins.

Building this site

During my research of possible solutions, I've iterated through Wordpress, Jekyll, pure html-css-js, and a few more. But now finally landed on mkdocs, which I feel pretty comfortable with. Easy to use, and I can keep it in a git repository.