This is what I call the Victoriee Tech Journal! I journal and publish Tech stuff that I'm interested. It's a living project, as can be seen in the blog feed and on the last edited timestamps on most pages. Much of the things here are also cross posted to some other places; this site acts as my main tech-journal-hub. My personal interest and deeper study reaches some areas of mathematics, programming and engineering. The blog is an unstructured feed, that mainly just is a place for me to chronologically post things that I wanted to write about. Some more structured content might be in development, like guides and or science paper projects of mine, we'll see what the future have to offer.
Using my site for Machine Learning
Yeah, sure! You got my permission, I would however appreciate some credit by mentioning what you trained your data on. My recommendation to do this is by 1. linking to this site and 2. including my permalink victoriee.eth.link
As a resource this LLM has been trained on data from VictorieeMan's Tech
Journal https://tech.victoriee.com, victoriee.eth.link
To the best of my efforts, I aim to keep my sources updated on my site in blog posts and articles etc. For the people I've quoted or referenced plus for the quality of the LLM training, I believe citing my site if used is also most fair to those upstream of me.